Dec 10 2023 After Camila’s probation bail order expired, Kapil and Camila began communicating again. Kapil shared details about his business and the potential for a better future if they moved to the USA, where there were larger opportunities for growth. To make this possible, Kapil reached out to an immigration lawyer in Florida and inquired about applying for a visa for Camila. The lawyer informed Kapil that if he were divorced from Camila, she would not be granted the visa. This led to a decision: for the sake of Valentino’s future, it would be in their best interest to remain “married,” even though it was essentially just a formality for the purpose of securing the visa. The plan was for them to live separately in the USA, where Kapil could focus on expanding his business while they co-parented. However, they soon encountered challenges. Camila had a criminal record, which complicated the visa application process. This created further hurdles in their attempt to start fresh in the USA.
“Kapil shared details about his business and the potential for a better future if they moved to the USA”