Kapil is Awarded Custody of Valentino


Sep 22 2021 After the horrific incident in which Camila tried to strangle and stab Kapil several times, she filed an application with the Family Court seeking custody of her son. In her application, she made several false statements, including claiming that she was breastfeeding Valentino and that he needed to be returned to her care immediately. Of course this was false as she had stopped breast feeding Valentino a few weeks after he was born. The judge, fully aware of the seriousness of the situation and Camila’s mental state, awarded custody of Valentino to Kapil Sunak. The judge also permitted Camila to have supervised visits with Valentino, allowing her three visits per week, each lasting two hours, due to concerns about her ability to be trusted alone with the child.


While the custody order was passed in the end of September, following the incident on July 30th, 2021, Kapil had had Valentino in his exclusive care. During this period, Kapil was the sole caregiver for Valentino, ensuring his safety and well-being. So from the time Valentino ws 5 months old Kapil was the primary care giver for Valentino.

“… the judge, fully aware of the seriousness of the situation and Camila’s mental state, awarded custody of Valentino to Kapil Sunak”

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