Feb 7 2024 For 3 years, Camila showed no interest in altering the child custody arrangement to spend more time with her son, Valentino. As a result, all of Valentino’s important milestones—learning to crawl, walk, talk, and become potty trained—were experienced solely with Kapil, not his mother. Kapil raised Valentino as a single parent, doing it all without any financial support from Camila, who never provided any child support.
From November 21, 2021, to July 2, 2024, neither of Kapil or Camila returned to Family Court. During this period, there were four separate scheduled case conferences, yet Camila had each one adjourned at her request, refusing to take any responsibility or address the situation. Her consistent avoidance and lack of involvement in her son’s life paints a clear picture of her neglectful behavior as a mother.
“From November 21, 2021, to July 2, 2024, neither of Kapil or Camila returned to Family Court. During this period, there were four separate scheduled case conferences, yet Camila had each one adjourned at her request, refusing to take any responsibility or address the situation”