Camila tries to Strangle Kapil while Valentino was Asleep beside Him


Jul 30 2021 The escalation of Camila’s violent and uncontrollable behavior reached a tipping point on this day. Kapil came home and followed his usual routine, feeding him, playing with him and then taking Valentino upstairs to get him ready for bed. At the time, Valentino was 5 months old. After Valentino had fallen asleep, Camila barged into the bedroom, once again demanding that Kapil leave the house and stay with his parents, as she insisted on raising Valentino in the home alone. Sensing that the situation was escalating, Kapil began to audio record the conversation. In a fit of rage, Camila then attempted to strangle Kapil while he lay beside Valentino, asleep in bed. you can listen to the audio recording here:


“Camila tried to strangle Kapil In bed while Valentino lay asleep beside him”

KapilWhat are you doing? Ow, my neck.

Camila Carolina De Matos Vilas Boas – I’m going to kill you.


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