Camila Mentions She Doesn't Want to Return from her Trip


Jun 3 2021 Camila’s mental instability was increasingly becoming a serious concern. She told Kapil that she didn’t want to return from her Dubai trip. She told Kapil she wanted to start a new life with someone else in Dubai. At the time, their son, Valentino, was just 3 months old. Kapil wasn’t entirely surprised, as her emotional instability had been worsening for some time. She had a troubling pattern of abandoning their family and walking away from her responsibilities as a mother. Her words and actions left Kapil questioning everything, unsure of what the future held for them.

She also mentioned that she was struggling with the pressures of being a mom, attending online classes, and making dinner, to the point where she felt the need to “kill herself jumping from a window” to cope with the stress.

“Camila tells Kapil she does not want to return from Dubai”

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