Camila wants to Fly to Dubai to Bribe Bolivian Officials


Apr 26 2021 Camila tells Kapil that she needs to travel to Dubai to meet a powerful official in the Bolivian government who could help clear her of her ongoing judicial problems. In a rare moment of honesty, she came clean about her past, revealing that she had been convicted for smuggling 24kg of cocaine. Kapil was left shocked and disgusted, as he would never have married her if he had known about her criminal history. Despite his disbelief and the weight of the revelation, Kapil still booked her ticket for the trip. However, his concerns began to grow about her ability to properly care for their son, who was only 2.5 months old at the time.

As the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place, Kapil also realized that Camila had misrepresented herself to Canadian immigration, which explained why she had never gone back to visit her son, Jose, in Bolivia. The truth about her past and actions finally became clear to Kapil, leaving him questioning everything he thought he knew about her.

“Camila comes clean and tells Kapil she is a fugitive and wanted for trafficking 25kg of cocaine”

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